The generally accepted and understandable degrees, unfortunately, are a non-systematic unit of measure for angle. In the scientific environment, radians are used to measure angles. One degree (1°) is roughly equal to 0.0174533 radians (rad). It is quite difficult to convert degrees to radians in your head, which is why we created this simple, fast and convenient online calculator. Two clicks and you get the required numerical value.


Convert Degrees to Radians

This is what a radian looks like on a circle

Pre-performed calculations

  • Degrees = °
  • Radians = rad
° rad rad (via π)
180 3.1415926535 π
360 6.2831853070
90 1.5707963268 π/2
15 0.2617993878 π/12
30 0.5235987756 π/6
45 0.7853981634 π/4
60 1.0471975512 π/3
75 1.3089969390 π/2.4
120 2.0943951023 2π/3
135 2.3561944901 3π/4
150 2.6179938779 5π/6
270 4.7123889803 3π/2

Formula to convert ° to rad

To convert degrees to radians, you need to multiply the number of degrees by π and divide by 180:

rad = °*π/180

Formula to convert rad to °

To convert radians to degrees, you need to multiply the number of radians by 180 and divide by π:

° = rad*180/π

A bit of theory

  • The international designation for radians is rad
  • 1 rad ≈ 57.29577951°
  • π ≈ 3.1415926535 for all calculations on this page 
  • A full circle is 360 degrees or 2π radians
  • The right angle is 90°
  • The expanded angle is 180°
  • A radian is an angle corresponding to an arc whose length is equal to its radius.
  • This unit is based on the radius of a circle, while degrees are just a full circle divided into 360 equal parts.