Hectares and square meters are units of measure for area. One hectare is equal to 10,000 m2 , but you do not have to memorize it and read in your mind. Use our online calculator instead! Just a couple of clicks and you can already see the calculation result.

Pre-made calculations

  • 1 ha = 10,000 m2
  • 5 ha = 50,000 m2
  • 10 ha = 100,000 m2
  • 50 ha = 500,000 m2
  • 100 ha = 1,000,000 m2
  • 500 ha = 5,000,000 m2
  • 1000 ha = 10,000,000 m2
  • 10,000 ha = 100,000,000 m2

Interesting facts about hectares

  1. The international designation for a hectare is ha
  2. A hectare is a non-systemic unit of measurement, however, it is widely used in agriculture and when measuring inherited land
  3. To imagine the size of one hectare, imagine a rugby field. The area of ​​the playing field, adopted by the International Union of this game, is 1.008 hectares, or 144*70 meters
Convert hectares to m2 - convenient and fast online calculator

One hectare from a bird’s eye view looks like this

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