This online tool helps you quickly convert square feet (ft2) to square yards (yd2) with precision. Square feet are commonly used worldwide in real estate, construction, and interior design, while square yards are prevalent in the United States and the United Kingdom for measuring larger areas such as land and carpets.

Square Feet to Square Yards Converter

Easily convert square feet to square yards.

Square Feet (ft²):

Result in Square Yards (yd²):

Calculation process will appear here.
Decimal Places


This tool offers the following key features:

  • High Precision: Converts values up to 10 decimal places for accurate results.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Simple and intuitive input fields for quick calculations.
  • Bidirectional Functionality: Easily switch between converting square feet and square yards.
  • Clear Explanation: Displays the calculation process and formula.
  • Additional Options: Copy results with one click or reset all fields for new conversions.

How to Use:

  1. Enter the value in the “Square Feet” input field.
  2. Specify the number of decimal places for precision (default is 2).
  3. Click the “Calculate” button to get the result in square yards.
  4. Use “Copy Result” to save the output or “Clear All” to reset.

Example: Input 100 ft², set decimal places to 3, and click “Calculate.” The result will be 11.111 yd².

Definitions of Measurement Units

Square Foot (ft²): A square foot is a unit of area equal to the area of a square with sides of one foot. It is part of the Imperial system and is widely used worldwide in real estate and construction. One square foot equals 0.111111 square yards.

Square Yard (yd²): A square yard is a unit of area equal to the area of a square with sides of one yard. It is part of the Imperial system and commonly used in the US and UK. One square yard equals 9 square feet.

Conversion Formula

Square Yards = Square Feet / 9

Square Feet = Square Yards × 9

Source: NIST

Conversion Table


ft2 to yd2 Converter – sqft to sqyd

Real World Examples

  • Small Bedroom: A 120 ft² bedroom equals 13.333 yd².
  • Carpet Roll: A carpet roll covering 200 ft² equals 22.222 yd².
  • Garage: A 400 ft² garage equals 44.444 yd².
  • Backyard: A backyard of 900 ft² equals 100 yd².
  • Conference Room: A 1,000 ft² conference room equals 111.111 yd².

What are you using this tool for? Have any other features in mind? Let us know in the comments!