Convenient online converter of Celsius degrees to Fahrenheit degrees and vice versa. The temperature scale of Celsius (°C) is used throughout the world, except for the United States, Liberia, the Bahamas and some other countries. The Fahrenheit (°F) temperature scale is used there. If you live in one of these countries, use our simple tool to convert °C to °F to understand the tempreature.

Comparison table of °C and °F values

We’ve made the most popular calculations. You can see them in the table below.


Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion formula

To convert °C to °F, use this simple yet precise formula:

°F = °C x 1.8 + 32

For example, you see a temperature of 28 degrees of Celsius. First, multiply 28 by 1.8 and get 50.4. Add 32 to 50.4 and you get 82.4 °F.

Please note that according to the rules of arithmetic, you must first multiply °C by 1.8, and only then add 32.

Reverse formula for converting °F to °C

When you need, for example, to know the temperature in your city in order to send it to your friend who lives in Europe or South America.

°C = (°F – 32) / 1.8

Normal human body temperature in °C and °F

On the Celsius scale, normal human body temperature is 36.6°C. On the Fahrenheit scale, this temperature would be 97.88°F.

Absolute zero in °C and °F

Absolute zero is the minimum temperature for a physical body in the universe, taken as zero Kelvin. This value is -273.15 °C and -459.67 °F.

Funny pictures and memes about the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales

Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit – °C to °F Online Converter

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Interesting facts about the Celsius scale on video