Convenient online converter of Celsius degrees to Fahrenheit degrees and vice versa. The temperature scale of Celsius (°C) is used throughout the world, except for the United States, Liberia, the Bahamas and some other countries. The Fahrenheit (°F) temperature scale is used there. If you live in one of these countries, use our simple tool to convert °C to °F to understand the tempreature.

Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit here

Enter a numeric value in Celsius degrees. Click on the "Convert" button and we will convert this value to Fahrenheit. You can choose the number of decimal places.
You can convert Fahrenheit to Celsius in a couple of clicks
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Comparison table of °C and °F values

We’ve made the most popular calculations. You can see them in the table below.


Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion formula

To convert °C to °F, use this simple yet precise formula:

°F = °C x 1.8 + 32

For example, you see a temperature of 28 degrees of Celsius. First, multiply 28 by 1.8 and get 50.4. Add 32 to 50.4 and you get 82.4 °F.

Please note that according to the rules of arithmetic, you must first multiply °C by 1.8, and only then add 32.

Reverse formula for converting °F to °C

When you need, for example, to know the temperature in your city in order to send it to your friend who lives in Europe or South America.

°C = (°F – 32) / 1.8

Normal human body temperature in °C and °F

On the Celsius scale, normal human body temperature is 36.6°C. On the Fahrenheit scale, this temperature would be 97.88°F.

Absolute zero in °C and °F

Absolute zero is the minimum temperature for a physical body in the universe, taken as zero Kelvin. This value is -273.15 °C and -459.67 °F.

Funny pictures and memes about the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales

Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit – °C to °F Online Converter

When it’s 40 degrees outside but it’s Celsius

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20 degrees Celsius in air, water and body

Interesting facts about the Celsius scale on video