Our Wallpaper Calculator is an easy-to-use online tool designed to help you determine exactly how many rolls of wallpaper you need for your project. If you’re planning to renovate a single room or update the entire home with new wallpapers, this tool got you covered.

Note: All inputs are in consistent units, and the computed area is in square units.

How the Calculator Works

The Wallpaper Calculator allows you to:

  • Add multiple wall entries – each with its own width and height.
  • Enter dimensions of your walls in any unit. Make sure to enter dimensions of wallpaper rolls in the same unit.
  • Enter the dimensions of your wallpaper roll (roll width and roll length).
  • Automatically calculate the total wall area, the total length of wallpaper needed, and the number of rolls required.

It works in three easy steps:

Step 1: Calculate the Wall Area

For each wall, multiply the wall’s width by its height. For example, if a wall is 4 units wide and 2.5 units high, the area is 4 × 2.5 = 10 square units. The total wall area is the sum of the areas of all the walls.

Step 2: Determine the Required Wallpaper Length

For each wall, divide the wall width by the roll width to find out how many vertical wallpaper strips you need. If the division does not result in a whole number, round up to the next whole number because even a small fraction means you need an entire extra strip.

For example, if a wall is 4 units wide and the roll is 0.52 units wide, then 4 ÷ 0.52 is about 7.69. Since you cannot use 0.69 of a strip, you round up to 8 strips.

Next, multiply the number of strips by the wall height to get the wallpaper length needed for that wall. In our example, 8 strips × 2.5 units = 20 units.

Step 3: Calculate the Number of Rolls Needed

Add together the wallpaper lengths needed for all walls to get the total required wallpaper length. Then, divide this total by the roll length. If the result is not a whole number, round up, since you must purchase complete rolls.

For example, if the total required wallpaper length is 35 units and one roll is 10 units long, then 35 ÷ 10 = 3.5, meaning you need to purchase 4 rolls.


Suppose you have one wall that is 4 units wide and 3 units high, and your wallpaper roll is 1 unit wide and 10 units long:

  • Wall Area = 4 × 3 = 12 square units
  • Strips needed = Ceiling(4 ÷ 1) = 4 strips
  • Wallpaper Length Needed = 4 strips × 3 = 12 units
  • Rolls Needed = Ceiling(12 ÷ 10) = 2 rolls

By entering your wall dimensions and wallpaper roll details, the calculator uses these simple formulas to quickly show you how many rolls you should buy.

Wallpaper Calculator Online – How Many Rolls Do You Need?

Why Use This Tool?

This Wallpaper Calculator helps ensure you purchase the right amount of wallpaper. By using accurate measurements and simple formulas, you avoid overbuying (which wastes money) or underbuying (which can delay your project). The dynamic wall entry feature and unit selection (Metric or Imperial) make it a versatile tool suitable for any project.
