This online converter allows you to quickly and accurately convert cubic inches (in³) to liters (L) and vice versa. It is used for volume conversions in applications like liquid measurement, automotive calculations, and more. The converter works both ways, converting cubic inches to liters and liters to cubic inches.

Cubic Inches to Liters Converter

This converter automatically converts between cubic inches (in³) and liters (L) both ways.

How to Use the Calculator

To use this converter, enter a value in cubic inches (in³) in the input field. The corresponding value in liters (L) will automatically appear. For vice-versa conversions, enter a value in liters (L), and the calculator will convert it to cubic inches.

Formula Used

The conversion formula for cubic inches to liters is:

Liters (L) = Cubic Inches (in³) × 0.0163871

For converting liters back to cubic inches, divide the liters by 0.0163871.

Precalculated Values

Here are some useful precalculated values for reference:

  • 1 in³ = 0.0164 L (about the volume of a large dice)
  • 16 in³ = 0.2622 L (approximately the volume of a standard soda can)
  • 32 in³ = 0.5244 L (about the size of a small water bottle)
  • 64 in³ = 1.0487 L (close to the volume of a large water bottle)
  • 128 in³ = 2.0975 L (around the volume of a 2-liter soda bottle)
  • 231 in³ = 3.7854 L (equivalent to a gallon jug)
  • 1000 in³ = 16.3871 L (a very large container)
in3 to L Online Converter – Cubic Inches to Liters

1 liter is around 62 times bigger than 1 cubic inch

General Info

Cubic inches (in³) and liters (L) are volume measurement units used in different systems of measurement. Cubic inches are primarily used in countries following the imperial system, while liters are a standard metric unit. Converting between these units is often necessary in industries such as manufacturing, automotive, and liquid measurements where precision is key.
