The Cups to Liters Converter helps you quickly convert measurements from cups (US) to liters (L, metric). This simple tool provides precise results with customizable decimal places and intuitive interface.

Cups to Liters Converter

Enter a value in the field below and press the button


Result in Liters (L)

Calculation process will appear here.
Decimal Places

How to Use the Converter (Features)

  1. Enter the number of cups in the “Cups” input field.
  2. Select the desired number of decimal places for the result (default is 2).
  3. Click the Convert button to calculate the equivalent value in liters.
  4. The converted value will appear in the “Result in Liters” field.
  5. To copy the result to your clipboard, click the Copy Result button.
  6. If you want to reset all fields and start a new conversion, click the Clear All button.
  7. Click the Swap button to switch to the Liters to Cups Converter.

Definitions of Measurement Units

Cup (US)

The cup (symbol: “c”) is a unit of volume commonly used in cooking and measuring ingredients in the United States. One US cup is equivalent to 0.236588 liters. The cup is not part of the International System of Units (SI) but is widely recognized in the US customary system.

Liter (L)

The liter (symbol: “L”) is a metric unit of volume in the International System of Units (SI). It is defined as the volume of a cube with sides measuring 10 centimeters each. One liter is equal to 4.22675 US cups. The liter is a standard unit for measuring liquids in most countries around the world.

Conversion Formula

The conversion formula for converting cups to liters is as follows:

Liters (L) = Cups (US) × 0.236588

This conversion factor is based on the standard US measurement system.

Source: NIST.

Conversion Table

Cups (US)Liters (L)
Cups to Liters Converter Online

Cups and Liters comparison

Real-World Examples

  • Coffee Mug: A standard coffee mug holds around 1.5 cups, equivalent to 0.35 liters.
  • Kitchen Measuring Cup: Typically holds 2 cups, equal to 0.47 liters.
  • Juice Bottle: A medium-sized juice bottle contains 4 cups, which is approximately 0.95 liters.
  • Blender Jar: A blender jar commonly holds 6 cups, equal to 1.42 liters.
  • Milk Jug: A small milk jug holds 8 cups, or around 1.89 liters.
  • Large Water Pitcher: Holds about 10 cups, which is approximately 2.37 liters.
  • Sports Water Bottle: A large sports water bottle can hold 4 cups, equal to 0.95 liters.
  • Saucepan: A medium-sized saucepan can hold up to 12 cups, or about 2.84 liters.
  • Mixing Bowl: A large mixing bowl has a capacity of around 16 cups, which is approximately 3.79 liters.
  • Ice Cream Tub: A family-sized ice cream tub holds 20 cups, equal to 4.73 liters.

What are you using this Cups to Liters Converter for? Do you need additional features? Let us know in the comments below!