This online tool allows you to calculate the square root of any non-negative number. The square root (√) is a value that, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number.
Square Root Calculator
Enter a number below to calculate its square root.
Enter a Number
Result (Square Root)
Calculation process will appear here.
Decimal Places
How to Use the Calculator
- Enter a non-negative number in the “Enter a Number” input field.
- Click the Calculate button.
- The square root of the entered number will appear in the “Result” field.
- Set the number of decimals if needed (default is 2).
- To copy the result, click the Copy Result button.
- To reset all fields and start a new calculation, click the Clear All button.
Square Root (√x) = y, where y × y = x
The calculation of the square root is based on fundamental mathematical principles. For more details about square roots and their properties, visit the Wolfram MathWorld: Square Root page.
Square Root Table
Number (x) | Square Root (√x) |
1 | 1 |
4 | 2 |
9 | 3 |
16 | 4 |
25 | 5 |
36 | 6 |
49 | 7 |
64 | 8 |
81 | 9 |
100 | 10 |
121 | 11 |
144 | 12 |
169 | 13 |
196 | 14 |
225 | 15 |
256 | 16 |
289 | 17 |
324 | 18 |
361 | 19 |
400 | 20 |
441 | 21 |
484 | 22 |
529 | 23 |
576 | 24 |
625 | 25 |
676 | 26 |
729 | 27 |
784 | 28 |
841 | 29 |
900 | 30 |
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