This online calculator converts liters (L) to fluid ounces (fl oz), providing fast and accurate results. Both liters and fluid ounces are standard volume measurements used for different purposes. The tool is perfect for cooking, science, or daily measurement needs. Customize decimal places for precision and get results instantly.

Liters (L) to Fluid Ounces (fl oz) Converter

Enter a value in the field below and press the button

Liters (L)

Result in Fluid Ounces (fl oz)

Calculation process will appear here.
Decimal Places

How to Use the Tool

  1. Enter the volume in liters into the “Liters (L)” input field.
  2. Set the desired number of decimal places in the “Decimal Places” input (default is 1).
  3. Click the Convert button to see the result in fluid ounces.
  4. The converted value will appear in the “Result in Fluid Ounces” field.
  5. Click the Copy Result button to copy the result to your clipboard.
  6. If you need to clear all fields and start a new conversion, click the Clear All button.
  7. For reverse conversion, click the Swap button to switch to the Fluid Ounces to Liters tool.

Measurement Unit Definitions

Liter (L)

The liter (symbol: L) is a metric unit of volume in the International System of Units (SI). It represents the volume of a cube with each side measuring 10 centimeters. One liter equals approximately 33.814 fluid ounces (US). Liters are widely used around the world for measuring liquids in scientific, industrial, and everyday contexts.

Fluid Ounce (fl oz)

The fluid ounce (symbol: fl oz) is a unit of volume in the US customary and imperial systems. One US fluid ounce is approximately 29.5735 milliliters or 1/128th of a US gallon. The US fluid ounce differs from the imperial fluid ounce used in the UK and some other countries. It is commonly used for measuring beverages and small liquid quantities in the United States.

Conversion Formula

The formula to convert liters (L) to fluid ounces (fl oz) is as follows:

Fluid Ounces (fl oz) = Liters (L) × 33.814

This conversion factor is based on the official definition from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), which provides reliable and precise information about units of measurement.

Liters (L) to Fluid Ounces (fl oz) Conversion Calculator

Conversion Table

Liters (L)Fluid Ounces (fl oz)

Real-World Examples

  • Bottle of water (small): 0.5 L = 16.91 fl oz
  • Standard wine bottle: 0.75 L = 25.36 fl oz
  • Large soda bottle: 2 L = 67.63 fl oz
  • Milk carton (half gallon): 1.89 L = 64 fl oz
  • Coffee carafe (large): 1.5 L = 50.72 fl oz
  • Motor oil bottle: 5 L = 169.07 fl oz
  • Water jug for office cooler: 19 L = 642.94 fl oz
  • Dishwasher water usage per cycle: 12 L = 405.77 fl oz
  • Fuel tank of a small car: 45 L = 1521.63 fl oz
  • Swimming pool (small above-ground): 10,000 L = 338,140 fl oz

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