This online converter allows you to easily convert between Kilograms per Square Meter (kg/m²) and Pounds per Square Foot (lb/ft²). It performs calculations both ways, meaning you can enter either kg/m2 or lb/ft2, and the converter will automatically provide the equivalent value in the other unit.

kg/m² to lb/ft² Converter

This converter automatically converts between kilograms per square meter (kg/m²) and pounds per square foot (lb/ft²) both ways.

How to Use the Calc

To use the calculator, simply enter a value in either the Kilograms per Square Meter (kg/m²) or Pounds per Square Foot (lb/ft²) input fields. The corresponding value in the other unit will be calculated instantly. You can also set the number of decimal places for more precise results. To clear all inputs and reset the calculator, click the “Clear All” button.

Formula Used

For the conversion from Kilograms per Square Meter (kg/m²) to Pounds per Square Foot (lb/ft²), the formula used is:

lb/ft² = kg/m² * 0.204816

For reverse conversion, simply divide by 0.204816.

List of Precalculated Values

Here are some common conversions from kg/m² to lb/ft²:

  • 1 kg/m² = 0.204816 lb/ft²
    This is roughly equivalent to the weight of a thin layer of snow on a flat surface, such as a car roof.
  • 5 kg/m² = 1.02408 lb/ft²
    This is similar to the load of light rainfall accumulating on a flat surface like a balcony or deck.
  • 10 kg/m² = 2.04816 lb/ft²
    Comparable to the weight of a thin carpet or a light rug spread over a floor.
  • 50 kg/m² = 10.2408 lb/ft²
    This is about the same as the pressure exerted by a large, dense mat or an area covered with stacked newspapers.
  • 100 kg/m² = 20.4816 lb/ft²
    This weight is similar to a person standing on a 1 square foot area, which gives a sense of how much force is being applied.
  • 250 kg/m² = 51.204 lb/ft²
    Comparable to the load of a large, heavy piece of furniture, such as a piano, distributed over a small area of flooring.
  • 500 kg/m² = 102.408 lb/ft²
    This is roughly equivalent to the pressure exerted by a dense crowd of people standing tightly together on a concert stage.
kg/m2 to lb/ft2 Online Converter

Crowd of people standing tightly and making a pressure around 500 kg/m2


The metric unit Kilograms per Square Meter (kg/m²) is commonly used in industries like engineering and construction to measure load or stress on surfaces. The Imperial unit Pounds per Square Foot (lb/ft²) is more prevalent in the United States and is often used in construction and other technical fields. Historically, these conversions became necessary as global trade and international standards required seamless communication between different measurement systems.
