This online calculator converts speed from miles per hour (mph) to kilometers per hour (km/h). Miles per hour is primarily used in the United States and a few other countries, while kilometers per hour is the standard speed unit worldwide.

Miles per Hour (mph) to Kilometers per Hour (km/h) Converter

Enter a value in miles per hour and press the button

Miles per Hour (mph)

Result in Kilometers per Hour (km/h)

Calculation process will appear here.
Decimal Places

How to Use the Tool

  1. Enter Speed in mph: Type the speed value in miles per hour.
  2. Click Convert: Press the conversion button to get the equivalent speed in kilometers per hour.
  3. View Result: The converted value appears immediately.
  4. Adjust Decimal Places: Modify the decimal precision if necessary.
  5. Copy Result: Click the copy button to save the result for use elsewhere.
  6. Clear Fields: Reset all input fields with the clear button.

Measurement Units Explained

Miles per Hour (mph)

Miles per hour (mph) is a unit of speed commonly used in the United States, the United Kingdom, and a few other countries. It measures the number of miles traveled in one hour. The symbol for miles per hour is “mph”.

1 mph = 1.60934 km/h

Kilometers per Hour (km/h)

Kilometers per hour (km/h) is the most widely used unit of speed measurement globally. It defines how many kilometers are traveled in one hour. The symbol for kilometers per hour is “km/h”.

1 km/h = 0.621371 mph

Conversion Formula

To convert miles per hour (mph) to kilometers per hour (km/h), use the following formula:

km/h = mph × 1.60934

Source: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Mph to km/h Online Converter

That’s how many km/h are in one mph.

Conversion Table

Miles per Hour (mph)Kilometers per Hour (km/h)

Real World Examples

  • Speed limit in a residential area (USA): 25 mph = 40.23 km/h
  • Typical speed limit on highways (USA): 65 mph = 104.61 km/h
  • Speed of a high-speed train (Eurostar): 186 mph = 299.34 km/h
  • Top speed of a Boeing 737: 588 mph = 946.18 km/h
  • Top speed of a NASCAR race car: 200 mph = 321.87 km/h
  • Maximum speed of a Tesla Model S Plaid: 200 mph = 321.87 km/h
  • Top speed of a commercial jet (Concorde): 1,354 mph = 2,179.67 km/h
  • Speed of a fast roller coaster (Formula Rossa): 149.1 mph = 240 km/h
  • Landing speed of a typical commercial airplane: 150 mph = 241.40 km/h
  • Top speed of a McLaren P1: 217 mph = 349.23 km/h

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