Value Added Tax (VAT) is applied to goods and services at various stages of production and sale. This calculator quickly determines VAT-inclusive and VAT-exclusive prices, ensuring accuracy for financial calculations.

27% VAT Calculator

Easily add or subtract 27% VAT

Enter amount:


Calculation process will appear here.

How to Use the 27% VAT Calculator

  • Enter the amount in the input field.
  • Click “Add 27% VAT” to calculate the total price including VAT.
  • Click “Subtract 27% VAT” to determine the original price before VAT.
  • The result will be displayed instantly.
  • Click “Copy Result” to save the value to your clipboard.
  • Click “Clear All” to reset the fields and start a new calculation.

What is VAT?

Value Added Tax (VAT) is an indirect tax applied at each stage of production and distribution. The 27% VAT rate is one of the highest in the world and is used in specific sectors. For official VAT regulations, refer to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

27% VAT Calculation Formula

To Add VAT: Total Price = Base Amount × 1.27

To Subtract VAT: Net Price = Amount ÷ 1.27

Source: IRS

27% VAT Calculator – Instantly Add or Remove VAT

Real-World Examples

  • Retail Purchase: A product costs $100 before VAT. With VAT: $127.
  • Freelance Services: An invoice of $500 before VAT. After VAT: $635.
  • Restaurant Bill: A meal costing $75 before VAT. With VAT: $95.25.
  • Electronics: A laptop priced at $1,200 before VAT. Final price: $1,524.
  • Business Expenses: A company purchases equipment for $5,000 before VAT. After VAT: $6,350.

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